500, chemin de la Réserve-Faunique
Saint-René-de-Matane, Québec G0J 3E0
Phone: 418 224-3345
Toll free:1 800 665-6527
Email: matane@sepaq.com
Number of units: 72
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The territory 1,275 km2 of the Matane Wildlife Reserve (SEPAQ) has the largest number of moose per square kilometer in all of the province of Quebec! About twenty lakes are spread out in 8 accommodation areas. You can fish for brook trout in all lakes and lake trout in Lake Matane. Cottage fishing package available.
More than 25 cottages welcome you for a stay in nature and to practice fishing and hunting. The cottages are located near a lake or a river and are equipped with all the necessary facilities for your comfort. And in addition to a boat, your cottage reservation includes a kayak and a barbecue.
In the Matane Wildlife Reserve, we offer camping on serviced and unserviced sites. There are two camping sites: the first is located near the John Registration Centre (located at the entrance to the reserve) and the second near l'Étang-à-la-Truite (located 42 km from the John Registration Centre, on a gravel road).
Reservation: 1 800 665-6527 or 418 224-3345
Opening hours of the John Registration Centre : May 23 to September 1st, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Establishment No: 206032, 199194 and 083355